Immersive Systems and Sensory Stimulation Laboratory

This new lab of the Institute of Systems and Robotics, and led by Prof. Paulo Menezes, was created in 2019 to address challenges related with the understanding of the Human as the Focus of New Interaction Paradigms.

If you are looking for Affective Computing and Interaction, Behaviour and Intention Analysis, Augmented/Virtual and Mixed Reality, or Neural Computing, you are at the right place.


October 2021 - Maria Rita Nogueira was awarded the CRIATECH 2021 prize for Artistic Residency with the work MoveInTempo.


Augmented Reality

Developing Augmented Reality Support and Applications since 2005.

Augmented reality has a great potential for a broad set of application cases. The possibility of providing information and guidance during task execution for industrial, medical, exploration, and many other scenarios may reduce the overall times and the number of human errors that typically occur. Health, education, and entertainment are also potential targets.

With us...

IS3L is focused on Real Problems of Real People in the Real World

Looking for a place to develop skills for your future career, or searching for a solution for your problem?


As a student or collaborator your ideas are always welcome to make our projects even better.

A Team for You
A Team for You

Our team will help you grow and push forward your personal and project development.

Multi Disciplinary
Multi Disciplinary

Learning and contributing to other scientific and technical areas is part or our mission.

Research and Development
Research and Development

Targetting real world problems we aim at contributing to a better quality of life for all.


Technology Transfer

IS3L collaborates with industrial companies

We work with industry for turning concepts into solutions or products.


Affective Interaction

As humans are driven by emotions, interactive systems and robots must comply with that.

Interactive Systems must learn to adapt to users, understand they their emotions and even be reciprocal in exhibiting emotions to develop some level of empathy. You are invited to participate in our study and help teaching a robot on how to express emotions.


Interation with the Focus on the User

----- Empathic Robots


Neural Computing

Deep Neural Networks are unlocking complex problems every day.

Besides exploiting existent architectures in new application fields, we are exploring new biologically inspired structures.


Joining in

Prospective Students

Check the Opportunities Page or contact Prof. Paulo Menezes.


Expert People

Passionate People on Our Team

Every PhD or MSc student on our team is passionate by what he/she does. Meet them to learn about their subjects and enthusiasm.

The IS3L ..

is part of the
Institute of Systems and Robotics
and is located at

R. Sílvio Lima
3030-290 Coimbra, Portugal


Meet us

+351 239 796291

PauloMenezes (a) isr (dot) uc (dot) pt



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